103 digital platforms deployed by ministries, branches

Thứ tư, 24/07/2024, 21:35 GMT+7

The Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) has released a list of 103 digital platforms run by ministries and branches nationwide that will be updated regularly to avoid duplication.


The list distributed to ministries, branches and localities consists of digital platforms, information systems and apps developed by ministries and branches for use nationwide.

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) is deploying the highest number of platforms, 31 out of 103, followed by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) with 11 platforms, Ministry of Construction (10), ministries of Home Affairs (MHA) and Justice (MOJ) (9 each), Ministry of Transport (8), ministries of Planning and Investment (MPI) and Education and Training (MOET) (7 for each). 

According to MIC, the list was prepared by the ministry based on reports from ministries and branches. The aim is to promote digital platforms nationwide, and avoid overlap.

MIC will regularly update the list of nationwide digital platforms on ndp.dx.gov.vn.

Of 29 ministries, ministerial-level agencies and government agencies, 18 have announced their digital platforms for nationwide deployment.

MIC has asked the other ministries and branches to urgently report their platforms to MIC for updating. If they don’t announce their platforms, they will have to take responsibility before the Prime Minister for duplication, if this occurs. 

Ministries and branches have also been requested to update their digital platforms for national use if changes are made; and connect the digital platforms in the list with the National Data Sharing and Integration Platform to share and exchange data with local platforms.

MIC has asked localities to use the digital platforms developed by ministries and branches. If they have difficulties when using the platforms, they need to contact the platform runner for support.

The national digital transformation program and the national strategies on digital government, digital economy and digital society development all consider common used digital platforms as a breakthrough solution to promote digital transformation, help reduce costs and improve operation efficiency.

According to MIC, digital transformation is a new development method which helps speed up and shorten the time needed to become industrialized and modernized. The answer for digital transformation must be Vietnamese developed digital platforms, to benefit Vietnamese people.

Protecting safety for telecommunication and the internet users must be the responsibility of mobile network operators. 

Communications is a function of governments at all levels, so governments need to organize an apparatus and have an annual budget for communications. Press agencies need appropriate investment so they can become a digital platform.

Cre: Vietnamnet

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